Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 34: The Day Before

Okay, so I'm not officially 34 weeks until tomorrow, but let's fudge it a little bit.  I doubt the baby will mind.

Doctor's appointment this afternoon.  I'm sure it will be the usual measuring everything.  I don't have any concerns to voice this week - I am disconnected from this doctor since I will be changing doctors soon since we're moving.  I'm happy about the change - I don't know if I would have had the gumption to change even though I'm not entirely comfortable with her.  I could tell when I asked her how life was with the arrival of her own new son in February that we had different values.  I won't go into detail because she is a wonderful person, she just does not seem to place the same miraculousness and wonder on this childbirth thing that I do.  And who can blame a person for that if they deliver babies for a living?

After talking with Whitney this weekend about her (we have had the same doc all this time) my decision is more confirmed.  Whit is bravely sticking with her, ready to put her foot down if she has to, but I think I would be very uncomfortable in the hands of someone who jumps to medication as the solution for everything.  Whit has her mind made up and she is going to fight for what she believes is right for her and Micah, but I don't think I could do it.

Did you have a doctor that you felt comfortable and shared values with?  Or does it really matter that much (afterall they just come in and catch the baby)? (c:

Shortly after I turn 36 weeks pregnant, we'll be moving about 300 miles south west of here to stay with my parents for a very short time (no more than 6 weeks) to save money while we're transitioning.  In the next 8 weeks, Ryan will be starting a new job, we'll be moving again to our own new place in a new city, we'll have our brand new baby, and - oh yeah - and I'll have started working from home.  It might sound crazy, but to me it feels right.  Ryan would rather skip the "living with in-laws" part, but their help during this time is the only thing that is making this doable and will enable us to be in the area we want to be and start this new chapter in the best way that we can.  We are really very, very blessed.

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